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By Gian Carlo Menotti
The story follows a political dissident on the run from the secret police, based on the stories Menotti heard, news reports and personal encounters with refugees fleeing Europe after World War II.

Magda Sorell
Stephen Medcalf
Timothy Redmond
Gian Carlo Menitti
Guildhall School of Music & Drama

Closing curtain...
Michelle reflects on the production >

It was wonderful to play Magda Sorell - the role that inspired me to pursue a profession in opera. Working on the show with Stephen Metcalf and Timothy Redmond was a labour of love that helped me grow as an artist. A highlight in my preparation was receiving coaching from the incredible Susan Bullock, who worked with Menotti when she performed Magda. Hearing her stories about Menotti and her experiences while performing the role changed the way that I view my work.

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